new release


It’s a bad time to be able to talk to the dead

Don’t make friends.

Don’t draw attention.

Don’t talk to ghosts in public.

Until now, these three rules have kept Charlie alive. And she’s about to break all of them. 

Enforcers patrol the streets looking for the last of the believers. The lucky ones are ‘rehabilitated’ in Enlightenment facilities. Those beyond help are incarcerated — or worse.

It’s a bad time to be able to talk to ghosts. 21-year-old Charlie could be killed for her gift, just like her mother. But working as an underground Seer pays well and it’s worth the risk if it means she can start a new life outside the city’s walls. 

When she meets Wynn, a boy with the same gift, she agrees to mentor him against her better judgement. His older, handsome (and very dead) brother, Rhett, is not impressed, though conflict isn’t the only source of tension.

But there’s something the brothers aren’t telling Charlie and now she’s in more danger than she knows.

Soon, Charlie will have to decide between saving her own life, or that of the boy who trusted her.


“It’s amusing that we humans have a preconception of belonging to a certain place and equate our happiness to either being in it or being separated from it. Some of us are fortunate enough to never learn we are wrong. The rest, however, discover that without the people we love, those places mean very little after all.”